Customer Testimonials
“I've tried many ways to stuff things behind my banjo head on several banjos (including a stuffed animal, foam and sheepskin), but this soft device Ric and Deb developed is the best yet!
For years I’ve tried to control the over-sustain of my Gold Tone cello banjo via stuffing the back of the head with various materials. Ric shared a sound analysis to compare my banjo with and without the Banjo Bolster. I’m pleased how the Banjo Bolster makes such a difference. I get more clarity, yet maintain volume, enriching my iPhone recordings. Thanks for this creation of yours! I’m enjoying my cello banjo even more with it, truly!
I hope others give the Banjo Bolster a try if they're looking to improve tone, eliminate overtones, and want an opportunity to do some easy experiments on their banjos.”
- Janet Burton Smartsville, CA
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“I tend to be a sucker for every new banjo device I hear about, most of which don’t turn out to be nearly as good or useful as I thought they would be. But my experience with trying out the Banjo Bolster was pretty much the exact opposite of that scenario.
When I first heard about the Banjo Bolster, I have to admit that I was a complete skeptic. I couldn’t really see much point to it. But at least I was open-minded enough to give it a chance to see if I might possibly be wrong, though I was not expecting to be surprised. Yet, surprised I was, indeed!
I think this is one of the best innovations in banjo related technology to come along in a long time. Like the scoop at the high end of the neck that makes it easier to play directly over the neck and take advantage of the unique tonal qualities there, or Nylgut strings that allow you to get the tone and warmth of the banjo’s original gut strings without the hassles of actual gut, the Banjo Bolster makes it easier to get your banjo to sound its best, with the added versatility of easy re-positioning to find just the right sound for you.”
- Marc Nerenberg Montreal West, Quebec